Located in pavilions C4- C5 , booth 44, Ro- Mega Trade will present at the 2013 TIB equipment from Doosan, Mahr, Faro, Wenzel, Ultra, Tebis . For each manufacturer representative products will be exhibited and will be given technical and financial news of the year 2013-2014.
From the most important equipment exposed, Ro- Mega Trade will bring in public attention :
– Two lathes (Doosan Lynx 220 and Puma 280M) and a vertical machining center (DNM 650), machine tools recognized and appreciated for performance, productivity and reliability.
– From the German manufacturer of measurement and control equipment , Mahr, there will be an automatic system of deviations of form and position measurements, with the new option of roughness measuring- MMQ 200. Under Mahr signature will also be the roughness measurement system M 400. (louisvilleroofing.com)
– Coordinate Measuring Machine Wenzel LH 65.
– Faro Edge measuring arm and scanning system Focus 3D laser scanner .
You are welcome!Situat in pavilioanele C4-C5, standul 44, Ro-Mega Trade va prezenta in cadrul TIB 2013 echipamente ale companiilor Doosan, Mahr, Faro, Wenzel, Ultra, Tebis. Pentru fiecare producator in parte vor fi expuse produse reprezentative si vor fi prezentate noutatile tehnice si financiare ale anului 2013-2014
Dintre cele mai importante echipamente expuse, Ro-Mega Trade va aduce in atentia publicului:
– Doua strunguri (Doosan Lynx 220 si Puma 280M) si un centru de prelucrare vertical (DNM 650), masini-unelte recunoscute si apreciate pentru performanta, productivitatea si fiabilitatea lor.
– Din partea producatorului german de echipamente de masura si control, Mahr, va fi prezentat un sistem automat de masurare a abaterilor de forma si pozitie, cu noua optiune de masurare a rugozitatii – MMQ 200. De asemenea, tot sub semnatura Mahr, se va mai afla si rugozimetru M 400.
– Masina de masurat in coordonate Wenzel LH 65
– Faro Edge brat de masura si sistem de scanare, laser scanner Focus 3D.
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