Fifteen years of Technology in Your Hands


Ro-Mega Trade is part of the Turkish brand Mega Group.

The company was born in 1987 and started out selling measurement, control and testing equipment.

In the following years, under the Mega-Group name, seven companies came to life. One of them is Ro-Mega Trade (2002).

Ro-Mega Trade had a constant growth. Has built a name linked to loyalty, consistency and quality. This let to long lasting partnerships with important names in the technological field of expertise. In ten years, Ro-Mega managed to build a significant background and bring technology closer to its clients. Durable and rewarding partnerships are the most important testimonials for Ro-Mega’s high achievements.

Over the years Ro-Mega Trade made investing in its specialists a real tradition, supporting them to become better and serve as smooth interface between the producers and the buyers of industrial tools and machines.Cincisprezece ani de Tehnologie in Mainile Tale


Ro-Mega Trade este parte din brand-ul turcesc Mega Group.

Compania a fost fondata in 1987 si si-a inceput activitatea prin vanzarea  de echipament de masurare, control si testare.

In anii care au urmat, sub denumirea Mega-Group, sapte companii au luat nastere. Una dintre ele este Ro-Mega Trade (2002).

Ro-Mega Trade a inregistrat o dezvoltare constanta. Si-a creat un nume care e legat de loialitate, consecventa si calitate. Acest lucru a condus la parteneriate de lunga durata cu nume importante din domeniul tehnologic de competenta. In zece ani, Ro-Mega a reusit sa-si creeze un fundament semnificativ si sa aduca tehnologia mai aproape de clientii sai. Parteneriatele de durata si incununate de impliniri sunt cele mai importante dovezi ale realizarilor importante ale Ro-Mega Trade.

De-a lungul anilor, Ro-Mega Trade a transformat investitiile in specialistii sai intr-o adevarata traditie, sprijinindu-i sa devina mai buni si sa serveasca drept o interfata placuta si competenta intre producatori si cumparatorii de masini si unelte industriale.