On May 28, 2013 Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Research Institute of Renewable Energy (ICER) held SECO-DOOSAN OPEN HOUSE . With the  benefits of the new Digital Manufacturing Labotatory and the hospility team led by Lecturer Dr. Engineer George Belgiu, the two companies, SECO TOOLS and RO-MEGA TRADE, the representative in Romania  Doosan machine tools, had realized togheter the first event of this kind.

The guests were able to take part at the presentation of the two companies, but especially at the practical applications where interesting pieces were made using Seco tools and two Doosan machines (lathe and machining center by turning and milling) purchased last year by the Polytechnic University of Timisoara. Guests present in an unexpectedly high numbers, had watched live material processing  until the final pieces.

On this occasion Polytechnic University of Timisoara unveiled the new ICER-ED lab, renewed last year. The new lab now has a lathe Lynx LB 220 and a DNM 650 machining center equipped with SECO tools, and other accessories.

„We, the people of the ICER, we are honored to have as partners world leaders in cutting techniques, characterized by a rigorous competition engineering and a strong managerial rivalry. We know that a CNC machine-tool raises very complex problems in operation, because the technical and economic requirements overlap, each seeking to prevail. I was impressed by the overall progress of Doosan products and SECO, by total quality for the two leading brands, by their performance and especially by the cutting price in relation to the volume of material removed, the precision and surface quality achieved. ”

Lecturer Dr. Engineer George Belgiu


„We’re glad we made this event with SECO and Polytechnic University of Timisoara. We wanted through this project type OPEN HOUSE SECO-DOOSAN to achieve a simple and direct communication platforms with  our existing customers or with the potential customers, where they have an advantage that we can not provide at fairs: applications and practical demonstrations, live. The success of this project has confirmed the need for projects focused on different audiences, with a greater emphasis on human-touch. ”

Elif Ozkan, General Manager Ro-Mega Trade


„In machining by cutting, the domain complexity makes the finding of best solutions not easy.

Interdependence of machinery, tools, materials, coolants, machining strategies, and especially the importance of the human factor must be taken very seriously!

To provide the best customer solutions, equipment suppliers and tools  suppliers must have a very close collaboration.

In this sense we enjoy the success of OPEN HOUSE SECO-DOOSAN and we thank  you both Ro-Mega Trade company and Polytechnic University of Timisoara for their involvement in organizing this event. ”

Ervin Fovenyesi,  Director Manager  Seco Tools Romania


 In data de 28 Mai 2013 a avut loc evenimentul OPEN HOUSE SECO-DOOSAN organizat la Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, de Institutul de Cercetari pentru Energii Regenerabile (ICER). Beneficiind de noul laborator de Fabricatie Digitala si de ospitalitatea echipei conduse de Conf.Dr.Ing. George BELGIU, cele doua companii, SECO TOOLS si RO-MEGA TRADE, reprezentantul in Romania a masinilor-unelte Doosan, au realizat impreuna primul eveniment de acest gen.

Invitatii au putut lua parte la prezentarile celor 2 companii, dar mai ales la aplicatiile practice unde s-au realizat piese interesante cu ajutorul sculelor Seco si  a celor 2 masini  Doosan (strung si centru de prelucrare prin strunjire si frezare) achizitionate anul trecut de Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara. Invitatii, prezenti intr-un numar neaşteptat de mare, au urmarit live prelucrarea materialelor pana la realizarea piesei finale.

Cu aceasta ocazie, Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara a prezentat publicului laboratorul ICER-ED, remodernizat anul trecut. Noul laborator dispune in prezent de un strung Lynx 220 LB si un centru de prelucrare DNM 650 echipat cu scule SECO, dar si alte accesorii.

“Noi, cei de la ICER, suntem onorati sa avem drept parteneri tehnici, lideri mondiali in domeniul aschierii, caracterizat printr-o riguroasa competitie inginereasca si o puternică rivalitate manageriala.  Se stie ca o masina-unealta cu CNC ridica probleme foarte complexe in exploatare, deoarece cerintele tehnice si cele economice se intrepatrund, fiecare cautand sa primeze.  Am fost placut impresionat de evolutia generala a produselor Doosan si SECO, a calitatii totale pentru cele doua marci de renume, a performantelor si mai ales a pretului aschierii raportat la volumul de material indepartat, la precizia si calitatea suprafetei obtinute.”

Conf.Dr.Ing  George Belgiu


“Ne bucuram ca am realizat acest eveniment impreuna cu SECO si Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara. Ne-am dorit, prin acest proiect de tipul OPEN HOUSE SECO-DOOSAN, realizarea unei platforme de comunicare simple si directe cu clienti existenti sau potentiali, in care acestia au un avantaj pe care nu-l putem oferi la targurile de profil: aplicatii si demonstratii practice, live. Succesul acestui proiect ne-a confirmat necesitatea unor proiecte mai concentrate pe categorii de public distincte, cu un mai mare accent pe human-touch.”

Elif Ozkan, Director General Ro-Mega Trade


“In prelucrarile prin aschiere, complexitatea domeniului face ca gasirea celor mai bune solutii sa nu fie usoara.

Interdependenta dintre utilaje, scule, materiale, lichide de racire, strategii de prelucrare, si mai ales importanta factorului uman, trebuie luate foarte în serios!

Pentru a oferi cele mai bune solutii clientului, furnizorii de utilaje si furnizorii de scule trebuie sa aiba o colaborare foarte stransa.

In acest sens, ne bucuram de succesul avut de OPEN HOUSE SECO-DOOSAN si multumim atat firmei Ro-Mega Trade ca si Universitatii Politehnice Timisoara pentru implicarea in organizarea acestui eveniment.”

Ervin Fovenyesi, Managing Director Seco Tools Romania