TECHNOLOGY – A word that designates the knowledge and usage of tools, machines and systems, in order to solve a problem. It is the core of our activity and our greatest passion. We sell tools and machines that solve problems. And by doing this we find solutions to your problems.
COMPETENCE – The knowledge, education, experience that recommends our specialists to offer you best advice. This is the foundation of our activity and our most prized asset.
RELIABILITY – In engineering reliability is the study of a system’s ability to work under stated conditions for a specified period of time. It is highly linked with safety. In business situations things are very similar. It is one of our most important goals to make our business partners feel safe when they choose our services!
VERSATILITY – It defined as the ability to perform more than one thing in proper manner,or the ability to serve more than one function, or even, being challenge oriented. This defines Ro-Mega Trade in all core aspects. We sell machinery and tools that are designed to find solutions to different industrial problems. While doing this, we use our problem solving abilities in the benefit of our partners.
ADAPTABILITY – Reffers to the ability to fit to a specific use or situation. We understand that our clients have very different needs, technological, financiar, practical. We understand these needs and always find a way to deliver the best suiting solution.TEHNOLOGIA – Un cuvant care desemneaza cunoasterea si folosirea uneltelor, a masinilor si a sistemelor, in scopul rezolvarii unei probleme. Este baza activitatii noastre si pasiunea noastra cea mai mare. Vindem unelte si masini care rezolva probleme. Si astfel gasim solutii problemelor voastre.
COMPETENTA – Cunoasterea, educatia si experienta ii recomanda pe specialistii nostri, astfel incat sa va ofere cele mai bune sfaturi. Aceasta este fundatia activitatii noastre si cel mai pretuit capital al nostru.
FIABILITATEA – In inginerie, fiabilitatea studiaza abilitatea unui sistem de a lucra in anumite conditii pentru o perioada specifica de timp. In stransa legatura cu siguranta. In afaceri, lucrurile sunt foarte asemanatoare. Este unul dintre cele mai importante scopuri ale noastre sa le asiguram sentimentul de siguranta partenerilor nostri atunci cand aleg serviciile noastre!
VERSATILITATEA – Este definita ca abilitatea de a realiza mai mult de un singur lucru intr-un mod corect sau abilitatea de a indeplini mai multe functii sau chiar de a fi orientat catre confruntarea cu provocarile. Aceasta defineste Ro-Mega Trade in toate aspectele ei fundamentale. Noi vindem masinarii si instrumente care sunt proiectate sa gaseasca solutii la diferite probleme industriale. In timp ce facem asta, folosim abilitatile noastre de a rezolva probleme in beneficiul partenerilor nostri.
ADAPTABILITATEA – Se refera la abilitatea de a se adapta la o anumita utilizare sau intr-o anumita situatie. Intelegem ca nevoile clientilor nostri sunt foarte diferite, din punct de vedere tehnologic, financiar si practic. Intelegem aceste nevoi si intotdeauna gasim o cale sa le livram cea mai potrivita solutie.